Everyone should be able to enjoy living in a clean and healthy environment – no one should have to put up with the actions of irresponsible dog owners.
In order to encourage responsible behaviour and deter fouling, the Parish Council provides numerous dog bins and has signs reminding dog owners to clear up after their dogs. The Borough Council provides services through the Dog Warden.
The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 was adopted by Test Valley Borough Council in 2006. This Act covers all land which is open to the air and to which the public have access. The Act requires that if a dog fouls at any time on designated land the person in charge of that dog at that time must clean up after the dog immediately.
The failure to do so is an offence may lead to prosecution and, if convicted, a possible fine of up to £1000.
If you are experiencing problems with dog fouling in your area, please report the matter to the Borough Council by using the form below.
Whilst it is not possible for the Borough Dog Warden to patrol all problem areas regularly, some additional targeted patrols may be carried out where persistent problems occur and we will review all means at our disposal to deter and confront irresponsible behavior.
Please email RMason@testvalley.gov.uk
Please report dog fouling, if the council finds a new hotspot we will do what we can to reduce it.