Kings Somborne Community Speedwatch Quarterly Report

Quarter 4 2018


During the quarter, 9 one-hour sessions were held and a total of 211 vehicles reported for passing our device at 35mph or more.

The pressure exerted on Hampshire Constabulary by the Parish Clerk and three members of our team in a bid to elicit more support for the Speedwatch team seems to have paid off.  We were joined by P.C. Tristan Pugh for our session in Winchester Road on December 7th, bringing his own speed gun. This may explain why we recorded zero speeding vehicles on this session! P.C. Pugh promised to join us again in the future when time and other duties allow. He commented that Sgt. Gary Lyons had passed our operational dates to him, so I will continue to advise Gary of our dates in 2019. The police speed van also visited the village this quarter operating on Romsey Road and the officer had a conversation with team member David Pye, who encouraged more frequent visits to King’s Somborne.

The general public remain largely supportive of our efforts and we estimate that around 90% of the blasts from horns and waves are supportive; the remaining 10% less so which usually lifts our spirits!

Sessions in Quarter 4

The site on the A3057 Romsey Road close to Horsebridge Road remains by far the most ‘productive’ site of those approved by Hampshire Constabulary and so our prime focus has been here during the quarter.

One session at our site in Winchester Road was cancelled due to traffic lights/roadworks, associated with the Virgin Media fibre installation.

Here is the data for the quarter:

Date Time Location # of Vehicles Reported Maximum Speed Reported Average Speed of Vehicles Reported
9th October 16:30-17:30 Romsey Road 41 52mph 38.6mph
10th October 16:00-17:00 Vicarage Lane 2 36mph 35.5mph
19th October 12:00-13:00 Romsey Road 46 45mph 38.2mph
26th October 08:00-09:00 Romsey Road 33 44mph 37.8mph
30th October 12:00-13:00 Village Green 1 38mph 38.0mph
9th November 12:00-13:00 Romsey Road 29 42mph 36.7mph
12th November 12:00-13:00 Winchester Road Cancelled due to Virgin Media works
20th November 08:00-09:00 Romsey Road 33 41mph 37.8mph
26th November 14:30-15:30 Furzedown Road Cancelled due to rain
7th December 14:00-15:00 Winchester Road 0 N/A N/A
10th December 14:00-15:00 Romsey Road 26 41mph 36.7mph
TOTALS     211 52mph 37.4mph*

*excludes the session on 7th December

Site Number of Vehicles Reported at Site Average Reported Vehicles per Session Maximum Speed Recorded Average Speed Recorded
Furzedown Road 0 0 N/A N/A
Romsey Road 208 35 52mph 37.6mph
Village Green 1 1 38mph 38mph
Vicarage Lane 2 2 36mph 35.5mph
Winchester Road 0 0 N/A N/A

Data in 2018

Given that we did not operate at all in quarter one, here is the annual data for 2019, cumulated for our sessions held between April and December.

Site Number of Sessions at Site Number of Vehicles Reported at Site Average Reported Vehicles per Session Maximum Speed Recorded Average Speed Recorded
Furzedown Road 2 7 7 70mph 43.3mph
Romsey Road 15 745 50 57mph 37.6mph
Vicarage Lane 4 4 1 41mph 39mph
Village Green 2 2 1 38mph 37.5mph
Winchester Road 5 39 8 39mph 37.2mph
TOTALS 28 797 29 70mph 38.2mph


Team News

There has been no change in membership this quarter and with 9 team members we are able to operate most weeks for an hour. Membership remains open and we could feasibly operate more frequently with more members.

The team remain highly motivated and enthusiastic and I would like to thank them all for their time volunteering during 2018.

Session Operations

We still encounter operational problems at the Romsey Road site due to the high volume of vehicles travelling at excessive speeds. The manual recording process means that we estimate that we miss more vehicles speeding than we recorded at this site.

Action and Support Required

  1. None at present

Terry Heffernan


17th December 2018