Kings Somborne Parish Council

Communications Sub Committee Meeting

6th January 2016 at the Crown Inn, Kings Somborne, 7.30pm


Present: Councillors Andrew Brock (AB) (Chair), Ryan Sutton (RS), Simon Whitehead (SW), Katie Hughes (KH) and Judith Evans (JE) (Minutes)

Also Present: Peter Storey (PS) (Clerk) Apologies: Robbie Lane Copies: Website

No. Minute Action
1. Previous Minutes – all agreed. It was noted that 152 people attended the launch event on 16th December.


2. Actions from previous Minutes – SW to confirm that new items that are posted to website also feed onto Facebook page and Twitter. RS confirmed that all responses from the launch event had been acknowledged by e-mail. PS to include on Gauntlet update for February edition






3. Purpose of the meeting – AB explained the key points to be covered in the meeting including the PC Rule 6 application to attend the Gladman Appeal hearing and to set the programme for producing the Neighbourhood Development Plan with the aim of the first draft finished by the end of March. He explained that the Parish Council (PC) would be the sponsor of the NDP and provide governance, with a steering group actually managing the work.


3. Save Our King’s Somborne (SOKS)/ Gladman Appeal – It was confirmed that the PC were hoping to join with TVBC at the Appeal however with difficulties getting hold of the right personnel at TVBC the PC should go ahead and apply to the Inspector independently for Rule 6 status.

I.            AB to speak to Andrew Ferrier at TVBC for further information.

II.            PS to seek advice from PC Insurers regarding potential award of costs against the PC

III.            PS to add factual detail to draft Statement of Case (SoC) on bus timetables and employers within the village

IV.            RS to obtain list of Gladman successful appeals and share amongst team for reading so that the group are better informed.

V.            All agreed that to minimise risk to PC, the SoC should only include

a.        items included in initial objections

b.       items listed by TVBC

c.       all statements to be backed by written evidence or not included

VI.            Concern was expressed over emotive language used in recent SOKS communication which were felt could jeopardise appeal proceedings. It was agreed that PC and SOKS needed to work concurrently and that as many of the group as possible should attend the SOKS meeting at the Village Hall on 13th January

VII.            RS to e-mail SOKS with advice on communications strategy

VIII.            PS confirmed that the auditors had advised against SOKS applying for Grant Aid from the PC

IX.            PS confirmed he had advised SOKS that, to avoid any conflict of interest, he would not managed a bank account for them.
























4. Neighbourhood Development Plan – The team discussed potential leaders and members of the following working groups as identified by responses from the launch event: Facilities and Infrastructure; Building and Design;

Environment and landscape


I.            RS to send details of all respondees to AB with contact details

II.            AB to contact identified potential group leaders who would be invited to attend the next steering group meeting.

III.            There was a discussion about Communications and whether the existing group were happy to join the steering group – all agreed to do so.  It was also agreed that future meetings would be under the NDP Steering Group name, at least monthly. A quarterly public meeting would be held in March. Communications would be key to the success of the NDP process.

IV.            Other steering group members were agreed – PS, Tony Ward and a member of the TVBC planning team. AB to contact TW and TVBC to confirm.

V.            Concern was expressed by the group about lack of representation from the Eldon Road area.  All to make contact with influencers and decision makers who live in this area to encourage participation.

VI.            All agreed that the group should target 100% voter turnout for the final referendum.





















5. Other actions agreed

I.            JE to provide details of public address system research to PS. PS to place order for best value equipment identified.

II.            PS agreed that his e-mail address ( would be used as the contact address on all NDP communications

III.            SW agreed to add copies of minutes to the NDP page of the website. PS to indicated to SW what needed to go on the website

IV.            Maps and presentation used on 16.12.15 to be added to OneDrive and website

V.            PS to obtain list of developments in the Parish since 2000

VI.            List of SHLAAs in the Parish and settlement boundary map to be added to OneDrive

VII.            All to familiarise themselves with existing NDPs so that at the next meeting Terms of Reference will be understood.

VIII.            AB to prepare Terms of Reference for all members of the steering group for the next meeting

IX.            SW to set up rolling action plan on Excel for NDP

X.            Rules for Referendum to be obtained from TVBC in due course





















6. Next Meeting

Wednesday 27th January 2016, 7.30pm at The Crown



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